
The Pathways Program was created by the Augusta County Commonwealth Attorney’s Office to provide individuals with an alternative to criminal prosecution when possible. Individuals are given the opportunity to enter treatment for substance abuse and/or mental health issues instead of facing criminal charges.

Individuals who qualify for the program, and successfully complete the recommended services, will not face criminal prosecution.

Providing an Alternative

When law enforcement officers are dispatched to assist citizens during a
crisis, they are tasked with making many decisions in that moment based upon the limited information available to them. They are often in a position to file criminal charges.

But with the introduction of the Pathways Program, they now have another option.

Individuals who could be charged can now be offered the opportunity to participate in treatment services (for mental health and/or substance abuse)
instead of facing criminal charges which may result in fines and/or incarceration.

Not everyone referred to Pathways is accepted. For those who are, it is an opportunity to choose a new path – an opportunity to not have criminal charges create even more barriers in your life down the road. So seize this opportunity you’ve been given.

What does the Pathways Program provide?

Participants in the Pathways Program will have the opportunity to avoid life-altering legal convictions while engaging in life-altering treatment through a 6 or 12-month monitoring program. If successful, charges are never filed and the negative consequences of the conviction are avoided. If unsuccessful, the Commonwealth’s Attorney will proceed with filing the related Misdemeanor or Felony against the Participant.

The Augusta County Litter Control Program serves as the community service requirement for the Pathways Program.

Pathways Participants are Required to . . .

  • Participate in Case Management
  • Take Weekly Alcohol/Drug Screens
  • Engage in Treatment
  • Complete Community Service
  • Cooperate with Law Enforcement
  • Maintain Good Behavior
  • Strategize about Future Vocational and Educational Goals

Our Partners

  • Blue Ridge Criminal Justice Board
  • Augusta County Sheriff’s Office
  • District 12 Probation and Parole
  • Blue Ridge Court Services
  • Department of Aging and Rehabilitative Services
  • Savida Health
  • Augusta Medical Center, Behavioral
  • Valley Community Services Board
  • Mid-Atlantic Recovery Center
  • Health Connect America
  • Blue Ridge Community College

I was referred, now what?

The process is simple.

Call the number on the referral card you were provided. Failure to contact Pathways within that time may result in the criminal charges being filed.

An intake/screening interview will be conducted with Pathways staff and you will be notified of the decision to accept or decline your application into the program.

If you are accepted into the program, you will be assigned a Case Manager who will assist you in identifying and linking with the available community service providers specific to you action plan. You will progress through phases of either a six-month or twelve-month program. Once you complete all the recommended services, any potential charges (held, not filed) will be  permanently discarded.

It’s that simple. Participating in the Pathways Program can be a real life changer. You can break the cycle of legal involvement and recurring crises. Your life, and the lives of those around you, can become a new normal.

The Case for Diversion Programs

These two studies show the effectiveness of a pretrial diversion program.

  • 85% successful completion rate (Avg.)
  • Re-offense within 1-5 years of completion (median rate)
  • 5% new felony
  • 12% new misdemeanor
  • 1% new serious traffic