Augusta County’s budget cycle begins each year in December and continues through the final budget adoption in May. The process incorporates a rigorous internal review of each department’s budget and resources are allocated across departments based on program initiatives and priorities.. Each activity funded is reviewed by the County’s Finance Department, the County Administrator and the Board of Supervisors.
Prior to April 1, the County Administrator submits a proposed operating and capital budget to the Board of Supervisors for the fiscal year commencing the following July 1. The operating and capital budget includes proposed expenditures and the means of financing them.
A public hearing is conducted in April to inform residents about the adopted budget and to obtain citizen comments to guide spending decisions.
By May, the Board of Supervisors makes its final revisions to the adopted budget and adopts the budget by an appropriations resolution.
The appropriations resolution places legal restrictions on expenditures at the fund level. The appropriation for each function or category can be revised only by the Board of Supervisors. Appropriations for the current fiscal year are revised in conjunction with the budget planning for the following fiscal year.
The County Administrator transfers budgeted amounts between general government departments. Funds are appropriated at the department level and appropriations lapse on June 30, for all County operating funds. The School Board transfers budgeted amounts within the school system's categories.
The County’s practice is to appropriate capital projects by the individual project. Appropriations for capital project funds are continued until the completion of the project or grant, even when the project or grant extends beyond the end of the fiscal year. This way, the County is able to better plan and put aside funds for known major projects on the horizon.